Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Title: The Billionaire Bargain Part 1
Series: The Billionaire Bargain #1
Author: Lila Monroe
 Release Date: January 22, 2015


Sexy Australian billionaire Grant Devlin is ruining my life. He exercises shirtless in his office, is notorious for his lunchtime nooners, he even yawns sexily. If I didn't need this job so bad, I'd take his black Amex and tell him where to swipe it.

He doesn't even know I exist, but why would he? He jets off to Paris with supermodels, I spend Friday nights with Netflix and a chunk of Pepperidge Farm frozen cake—waiting for his call. Because every time he crashes his yacht, or blows $500k on a single roulette spin in Monte Carlo, I’m the PR girl who has to clean up his mess.

But this time, it’s going to take more than just a fat charity donation. This time, the whole company is on the line. He needs to show investors that he’s settling down, and Step #1 is pretending to date a nice, stable girl until people forget about what happened with the Playboy Bunnies backstage at the Oscars.

My plan is perfect, except for one thing:

He picks me.

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What a fun short novel this is!!

Lacey’s lines are unforgettable and her way of thinking is just adorable!

And Grant’s reactions are superb!

Lacey is so witty and fun, but her ethics is the most memorable thing about her. Or, the way she represents and advocates for ethics is. Yeah. probably the second part. No one scolds you like Lacey does. That’s for sure. She’d make a serial killer pause with those witty and snarky comments of hers.

Grant is the example of the golden rule “Not everything is what it seems.”. He isn’t just that playboy who has brought his company’s image to the ground. He has a different way of acting upon his intentions. He’s a good guy and he’s actually really smart. And like Lacey said, he’s a fine specimen of a man…

The story may not be the most original one, but Lacey’s comments and Grant’s mystery makes this series stand out.

The Billionaire Bargain is both a fun and funny read. It’s light and sexy, both in that delicious, sinful way and that smart kind of sexy!

I really loved it and I can’t wait to read the other 2 parts!! They can’t come fast enough!

So, Congrats to Lila Monroe for this funny and smart book!!

The Billionaire Bargain receives 5 Amazing Stars!!

Billionaires' Party

Come and celebrate the release of The Billionaire Bargain: Part 2

from 7pm PST

Special guests include:

Clare Contreras, Ella James,
Monica Murphy, Laurelin Paige,
Roxy Sloane, Melanie Marchande
Emily Snow and Lila Monroe

Author Bio

Combining her love of writing, sex and well-fitted suits, Lila Monroe wrote The Billionaire Bargain. Lila enjoys writing, as it gives her a flexible schedule to spend time with her kids and a wonderful excuse to avoid them. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, who strips out of his well-fitted suits nightly.

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