Thursday, November 7, 2013

HER by Carey Heywood : The Blog Tour

Book: HER
Author:  Carey Heywood
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: October 26th,2013
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

You know her side of the story, now learn his. 
"It was useless. I felt branded beneath my skin by a girl who left without even saying goodbye." When Will Price was assigned a partner for a sixth grade class project he had no idea she would become his best friend. After years of friendship, she eventually became so much more. Then, one day she left with no explanation. 

Will’s life shattered right before his eyes and he was left alone to pick up the pieces. Floundering, Will must figure out a way to carry on, to find a way to exist without her. 

Seven years later, a chance encounter leaves him desperate to get her back. He has one week to make her his again. Not everyone gets a second chance with the love of their life and Will is determined to never lose her again.

My Review:

HER was a wonderful read! It is a journey of 2 teenagers falling in love and coming to terms with their feelings. It is also a journey of 2 young people finding each other again and building their lives together. It was simply beautiful..

Moreover, HER is much better than HIM. We get to see how they met. We get to watch their friendship and their bond evolve. I enjoyed reading a young man trying to come to terms with his feelings for his best friend. We don’t always know what we want and when we do, we don’t always know how to get it. HER felt like an evolution, like a journey. That’s the best word to describe it.
Nothing was rushed and everything just fell into place.

Plus, I loved all the extra scenes we didn’t see in the first book. I liked the fact that the second book was not a pure copy of the first one, but written on the male POV. HER was so well written and so captivating that the first book slipped from my mind. It felt unique but it on the other hand it had some sense of familiarity. Just like Sarah and Will.

For those who have read the first book,
You should definitely read the second book, because you see the story presented under different light that empowers it in such way that any other opinion fades away. It would be a shame not to read it.

For those who haven’t read the first book,
HER is truly beautiful book. Any lover of Romance should read this one. It should be considered a classic..
And of course, you could read it as a stand-alone..

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Author bio:
 New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author. I make up stuff and write it down. Here are some things that make up who I am, in no particular order; Books, Swedish Fish, Rivers, Kids (I have some), Husband (I have 1), Dog, Wuss, Reader, Elephants, Mermaid Shows, Belgian Chocolate, Plastic Rings, Fizzy Water, Abs (I don't have them...well yes, I have them but they're nothing to look at I meant Abs that I like to look at), Twitter (@careylolo), Making up Words, Chair Dancing, Old Movies, Cartoons, Belgian Waffles, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, People, Kayaks, Screen Porches, Laughing, Colored Paperclips, Junky Green Laptop, Golden Rule, Falling in Love, Jumping in Puddles, Spellcheck, Windy Days.

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Her BN Kobo

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Him ebook AM

Available from    AMAZON | B&N

My Review:
HIM is a wonderful story about 2 nice people who lost years apart from each other due to lies and misconceptions. On the one hand, I liked the fact that there was no major drama and that we were kind of tragedy-free. On the other hand, I would have liked the story to be more complicated, to have more suspense. It sometimes felt too neutral.

>>Sarah is an interesting character. I question some of her choices, because they felt very childish. SPOILER It was almost unacceptable that she refused to return to her hometown because of her fear to see him..And since HE was so close to her family, how the hell it took them 7 years to get together again? END OF SPOILER I just can’t come to a conclusion if I really liked Sarah or not. If something significant had happened between her and Will, I would have admired her actions after she returned to her hometown. But after figuring out what really had happened, I am left lost. You simply don’t let the love of your life walk out of your life and then let them stay out of it for good. I don’t see how all that could actually be plausible in reality.

But Sarah is a firecracker. I really enjoyed her turmoil. She was fun to read!

>> Will is like the lost puppy. On the one hand, he swears she is the one for him, but in fact he lets her go. SPOILER Ok so he went after her..And then what? He sees her smiling with another guy and then gets the hell out of there? Didn’t he wonder why she left in the first place? END OF SPOILER Although his words were very precise and he did speak the truth, I find that his actions don’t really correspond to his feelings and his words. I am a firm believer of  “When you do something, you should it right” and Will didn’t really go for that quote. However, I really liked his character when those 7 years had passed. He was persistent and quite creative into finding ways to talk to her. He acted like a man madly and deeply in love with his woman. And THAT I loved!

I guess that Will needed some time to grow up into the man he was destined to be. What can I say? Men should and must fight for their women! Women are the hard ones to crack, after all. It’s their job to do the cracking..

In conclusion, I liked the book! Rating it properly is quite hard for me, since I feel a little ambiguous about it. Don’t get me wrong! Carey Heywood is a talented author and a good writer. Some points of the story could be better, regarding their reflection to reality.

In the end of the day, it is a good book about 2 people growing up into their own personalities and never falling out of love with each other, even though they weren’t together. You can’t challenge fate, after all…

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